Letter to claim refund for vouchers from bust company

If the company for which you have vouchers goes bust, you don't have formal rights to get a refund - but you can ask. Use this letter to ask for your money back.
Which?Editorial team
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[Your address and contact number]

[Administrator's address]



Dear Sir/Madam,

Reference: [Voucher number and retailer name]

Please find enclosed a [gift card/voucher] to the value of [£xx].

It was bought from a [name of store] on or before [insert date].

The [name of store] has now gone into administration, so I’m unable to use my [voucher/gift card].

I would be grateful if you would issue a refund to the value of the voucher to my address above.

Yours faithfully,


Download letter

docx (14 KB)

There is a file available for download. (docx14 KB). This file is available for download at .